There has always been a yearning for love, togetherness, and unity in every society. Identifying with one another creates "cords of love" that cannot be easily broken. Years ago, Seventh-day Adventist students from all over Ghana, studying in various secondary and tertiary institutions in the country, met in their schools, sharing their faith with one another.
Remembering Jesus' words in Matthew 5:14, "You are the light of the world; a city built on a hill cannot be hidden," they felt the need for an organized body to better champion the cause of Christ and impact their various institutions. With the motto, "The Adventist Student – A Builder for Christ," the national front of the Ghana National Association of Adventist Students (GNAAS) was born in 1981 to serve as the student administration of GNAAS and oversee the implementation and enforcement of decisions of the National Executive Council.
GNAAS stands for Ghana National Association of Adventist Students. In 1980/81, Seventh-day Adventist young people in public universities in Ghana conceived the idea of an association for Adventist students. They wanted to find out whether they could make a difference in the church and in the world by taking seriously the claims of Biblical Adventism. These young people came from different walks of life, a spectrum of socio-economic, ethnic, and academic backgrounds.
The result is what we have today: GNAAS. The interest in the formation of the association was aroused when there used to be a forum for Adventist Educationists and Intellectuals. The agenda then was to create a common platform where they could meet periodically to plan how to build a resource base for the Church's education department and offer professional consultation.
The idea to organize a students' body was, however, not on the agenda. It came only as a side issue. The issue of students arose because fellowships on various campuses were not organized as one body. Senior comrades then saw that, without starting from campuses, the task would be daunting. Another pressing issue had to do with the infringement on our right to free worship because Adventists are a minority. Therefore, to be able to fight for a common goal, the need for a unified body of Adventist students was critical. In 1982, a meeting was held at SDA Teachers Training College, Asokore for the Educationists and Intellectuals. The meeting ended with the formation of GNAAS.

The first secretariat was hosted by the University of Ghana with the following as executives:
President: Pastor Kwasi Ansah Adu
Vice President: Mr. J Nyantakyi
Secretary: Mr. Francis Amo
Treasurer: Mr. Akuoku Konadu
Coordinating Secretary: Mr. Akuoku Frempong
Others included Lawyer Kofi Ameley, Mr. Offeh Gyimah, Prof. Yaw Ankomah, and many other men and women who are now playing various important roles in the Church and the country.
Nonetheless, the beginning was difficult and frustrating. The leadership of the Church was not prepared to grant them any concession. They were very skeptical about the mission as well as the loyalty of GNAAS to the Church. This was regardless of the clearly stated objectives of the association. But the leaders of the time could be pardoned since GNAAS was formed at a time when students' "ALUTAS" and protests were prevalent. They felt it was a formation of disgruntled students who wanted to revolt against church leadership. It is on record that a white missionary at the time cautioned his Ghanaian counterparts to keep a close watch over activities and meetings of GNAAS, lest they became "rebels."
But Glory be to God that the church leadership was able to overcome its fears when they realized that GNAAS meant church-growth business. Very well, the journey to where we are today has not been all smooth. Yet, God's grace has been sufficient to GNAAS. Today, GNAAS continues to fulfill its mission: raising young God-fearing intellectuals to contribute toward the Gospel Commission and Ghana's development.


GNAAS operates through a National, Union, Zonal, and Chapter secretariat structure to coordinate activities in branches (fellowships) across the country. The branches include Senior High Schools, Nursing and Teacher Colleges, Universities (technical, public, and private), and Local church branches. As at 2023, there are approximately 21,604 Adventist students across the country with 298 and 113 in the high schools and Tertiary institutions respectively. GNAAS benefits from its Alumni and Professional bodies.


GNAAS engages in wide range of activities at different levels, including:
1. Annual National Congress and Union Retreats
2. Evangelism held on and off campus including:
- After School Evangelism for SHS
- End of Semester Evangelism for Tertiary Institutions
- National & Union Evangelism
- Sports Evangelism
- Bible Lecture Series
- Prophecy Seminar
- Independence day literature evangelism
3. GNAAS Day of Prayer & Fasting
4. Community and Social impact Day
5. Meetings, workshops, training and seminars for Leaders
6. Community service projects
7. Annual Music Events (GC Praise, House of Joy, House of praise)
8. Weekly Bible, Prayer and Sabbath meetings
9. Talent development programs, etc.


GNAAS and GNAAS branches operate using funds from various sources, including:
- Student dues
- Subvention from conferences and unions
- Proceeds from souvenirs sales
- Harvest and fundraising
- offerings
- Donations and sponsorship from alumni and other sources


GNAAS members share common identity and unity through a common:
- Constitution
- Motto
- Logo
- Anthem
- GNAAS Cloth
- Souvenirs
- Website, social media handles, and magazines for communication

What We Believe

We Develop

Develop a unified body of Seventh – day Adventist students with an unsleeping consciousness for spiritual, moral, and academic excellence; and one in which every student is a missionary.

We Prepare

Prepare souls on various campuses for the imminent return of Christ.

We help

Help in the spiritual development of Seventh-day Adventist students.

We Promote

Promote fellowship among Seventh-day Adventist students in Ghanaian institutions of   learning and beyond.

We Establish

Establish GNAAS branches on campuses where there are none.

We fulfil

Effectively fulfil our social responsibility in the communities.

GNAAS Organogram



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